On this page you can look through the selected by you paintings and get in touch with the SOLART Gallery in case if you would like to get additional information on them. Small image of the selected work will be sent along with your message thus you do not need to describe it. In order to select a painting on a gallery web page you can check a checkbox under the painting's image. The checked work will be shown on the MY SOLART page and you can always get back to it. In order to deselect a painting and delete it from MY SOLART list you can uncheck the checkbox under the work's image. In order to get additional information on a preselected works please select it on this page and click on Current link or marked more then one work and click on Marked link or just click on All link. You can also receive additional information about the SOLART Gallery on the CONTACT page. Thank you. |
Currently, the site presents works by artists: